Frequently Asked Questions About Vernier Calipers
In this article our experts will try to address some common questions [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)] regarding the Vernier Caliper and its usage as well as clear up some conceptual problems faced by beginners. Q.1: Why use a vernier caliper instead of a regular meter rule? Ans: A vernier caliper offers a lot more accuracy… (3 comments)

Zero Errors in Vernier Calipers & Adjustment Techniques
Zero errors are one of the most commonly occurring errors in measuring instruments such as vernier calipers. A vernier caliper zero error occurs when the vernier caliper is set to its closed position, i.e with the measuring jaws in contact with each other but the zero on the vernier scale does not match with the… (1 comment)

Vernier Caliper Practice for Finding Cylinders’ Dia & Volume
Cylinder is a basic geometrical object used in various applications of daily life and industrial world.  Some of the very common examples of straight cylindrical shapes are flat cylindrical glasses, ball bearings, gas cylinders etc. Thus if a person understands how to work out the volume of a cylinder, then these dimensions can be sorted… (0 comment)

Vernier Caliper: Depth, Step, Inside & Outside Measurement of Object
Taking Outside Measurements Using a Vernier Caliper: Vernier calipers are generally utilized to take measurements outside of an object for example small widths, lengths or diameters. This distance is worked out by utilizing the outer measuring sides of the Vernier caliper i.e. the lower jaws. Step 1 – Tighten Lower Jaws Of Vernier Caliper At Object’s… (0 comment)