The Carrera precision CP5924 24 inch digital caliper is a tool designed to provide accurate and easy measurements at the workplace. It is the longest version of the digital calipers offered by Carrera Precision and is designed to measure parts with lengthy dimensions and large dimensions. It weighs in at 4.2 pounds and comes with a protective wooden case.
The Carrera Precision CP5924 digital caliper offers a variety of features which are expected from a modern digital caliper in the price range. One feature however is suspiciously absent from the 24 inch caliper and that is the ability to measure inside diameters. This is a big issue for most users and seems like a deal breaker, though it is unclear whether this is an intentional design decision or was a mistake from the manufacturer since the picture of the caliper shown by the retailers seems to show a nib style jaw for internal measurements.
The performance of the caliper seems to be within reasonable limits with an accuracy of +- 0.05mm but this could be affected by the degree to which the jaws are tightened since there is a little play in the screws. This keeps the user from getting the high performance feel that you may expect from a $100 caliper. Some precision is also lost from the jaw tips which are a little too thick although this does provide rigidity to the tool.
You can read here about ML Tools Digital Caliper 68202 poor assembly.
The first thing most people will notice however will not be the calipers performance but the case which it comes in. This may be a letdown for many as it feels lightweight and many people reported that it got damaged during delivery. In any case you may have to make arrangements for a better case in order to keep the caliper well protected. The Carrera Precision CP5924 caliper is a well-built tool but does not live up to its full potential.
By Nathan Mitchell